Healthcare News
Physical Therapy for Biceps Tendonitis
If you have pain in your upper arm or shoulder, you may have irritated your biceps tendon, a condition known as biceps tendonitis. The pain may limit your shoulder motion and make performing normal work and recreational tasks difficult or impossible.
Animal-assisted therapy aids in spinal cord injury recovery
Every year, approximately 17,000 new cases of spinal cord injury are reported in the United States. Recovering from an SCI can take a huge mental, emotional and physical toll on patients, but animal-assisted therapy may play an integral role in easing some of the challenges patients face.
FDA Approves New Treatment For Chronic Knee Pain - Coolief - NBC Nightly News
In this new treatment, doctors insert specialized needles that emit radio frequency into the knee, which freezes the nerves to stop the pain.
Being Empathetic May Take the Sting out of Blood Draws
Empathetic and courteous health care providers may help decrease patients’ experience of pain, especially pain during blood draws, according to researchers at Rush University Medical Center. They presented the results of their study at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists earlier this month.
Virtual Physical Therapy Could Help Fill Gaps in Treating All Too Real Pain
Joint disorders and low back pain consistently rate among the most common reasons U.S. adults visit their doctors. Physical therapy is an effective treatment for these conditions, but many patients are not able to access the care they need.