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  • New Knee Procedure Eases Arthritis Pain Without Surgery; Getting a Second Opinion; Video Throwing Analysis

    Dr. Sandeep D. Amin discusses a new, non-invasive knee procedure called “cooled radio frequency ablation” (Coolief), that could bring some relief for patients suffering from debilitating chronic pain, for whom surgery is not an option.

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  • Alternative Pain Therapies

    BUFFALO, N.Y. (WKBW) - More than 100 million Americans live with chronic pain every day. 

    Many of these people take narcotic medications that, while providing relief for some patients, are not always safe and effective and can pose a potential risk for addiction. 

    A significant group of patients experience something called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS, often the result of an injury or trauma.

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  • North Korea Frees US Student Otto Warmbier

    Months before his release, Otto Warmbier, 21, had been sentenced by North Korea to 15 years hard labor for so-called "hostile acts against.” On Tuesday, he was freed and on a plane back to the U.S.

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  • Chronic pain patients say opioid crackdown is hurting them

    Jim Watkins, 59, lives with chronic pain brought on by osteogenesis imperfecta, also known as brittle bone disease, and controls the symptoms with daily doses of tramadol, an opioid medication. Because of an opiod crackdown, he now undergoes questioning about his opioid use that he regards as just short of harassment.

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  • FDA Approves New Treatment For Chronic Knee Pain

    In this new treatment, doctors insert specialized needles that emit radio frequency into the knee, which freezes the nerves to stop the pain.

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